viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Versículo del Día 3/25/19

Aquí estoy, Dios míovengo para cumplir tu voluntad”. Hebreos 10:4-10

Oración: Señor, aquí estoy; vengo para cumplir Tu Voluntad! Crees que debo añadir algo más? :-)

Benefits of Chlorophyll

There are several reasons why green foods are considered as blood-building foods because of the similarity in structures of the two colored pigments, the red heme and the green chlorophyll. Here are the lists of health benefits we can get from chlorophyll.
1. Chlorophyll is the best aid in gastrointestinal problems.
Refined, low fiber and and animal fats contribute to major diseases start in the colon. Gastrointestinal problems can be best treated by improving the digestion and assimilation. Among those natural nutrients that heal the intestinal track, green vegetables high in chlorophyll content aid in loosening and cleansing the colon.
2. Chlorophyll Promote formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells.
Hemoglobin is the iron-containing substance that provides red blood cells their red pigment and transports oxygen to the body tissues. In fact, we may not realize that our blood is composed of 75% of hemoglobin. If the central atom of blood is iron, how chlorophyll helps in the formation of red blood cells? As we digested green food, the magnesium helps in rebuilding and replenishing the red blood cells which is responsible for boosting our energy.
3. Chlorophyll treats bad breath.
Bad breath is caused by oral bacteria that reside in a person’s mouth and it excretes odiferous waste products. The sulfur compounds of waste products usually lie at the root of breath odor problems. With the double action of chlorophyll, it acts as deodorizer that eliminates bad odor and reduces the stringent smell of urine, infected wounds and feces.
4. Detoxify toxins that cause cancer.
Researches found that the damaged genes caused by carcinogen substances can be prevented by chlorophyllin, a derivative of chlorophyll wherein the magnesium is removed and replaced with copper. It reduces the binding of carcinogen from foods like cooked meat products that damage the DNA and other organs of the body particularly the liver.
5. Beneficial in assimilating calcium and other heavy minerals.
Chlorophyll is very easy to absorb and assimilate. It is so amazing how it gets into the bloodstream so fast with the least amount of digestion that saves more vital energy. Not only that, cataract cases which is same as an arthritic formation, the hard calcium has come out of solution and becomes milky so that patients cannot see clearly with their cataract condition. Again, chlorophyll can assimilate calcium and balance other trace minerals to rebuild, replace, and exchange with the new tissue.
6. Chlorophyll fights infections.
It is the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds contain Vitamin A, C and E that are responsible to reduce inflammation. In connection to this, the healing aspects of chlorophyll were reported in 1940 by Dr. Benjamin Gruskin. With this vitro experiments, it showed that chlorophyll possess bacteriostic property that kill harmful bacteria.Moreover, the antiseptic properties of chlorophyll have the ability to kill germs by strengthening the tissues.
Recommended daily intake of chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is available in forms of tablets, fluid and powder extracts, infusions and tinctures. Some nutrition practitioners are recommending 100 mg of chlorophyll that should be taken at least 2-3 times daily. This is to clarify that chlorophyll is not considered as essential nutrient. Nevertheless, people are lacking of green foods in their daily diet are lacking of enough chlorophyll, and therefore advised to add chlorophyll in their diet.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011


Your blood type diet is the restoration of your natural genetic rhythm. Your blood type diet works because you are able to follow a clear, logical, scientifically researched plan based on your cellular profile. Each food groups are divided into three categories: Highly beneficial ( food that acts like Medicine), Foods allowed (food that are no harm to the blood type) and Foods not allowed (food that acts like a Poison)

Simpler List

Diet ProfileAllowedLimitedFood to avoid for Weight Loss purposeFood that help with Weight Loss
Type OHigh Protein:
Meat eaters
kidney beans
navy beans
Brussels sprouts
mustard greens
red meat
Type AVegetarianvegetables

kidney beans
lima beans
vegetable oil
soy foods
Type BBalanced omnivoremeat (no chicken)

Type ABMixed diet in moderationmeat

red meat
kidney beans
lima beans

Pensamiento para hoy.

There are three types of people in this world: those who step on others, those who let others step on them and finally, those who know how to dance.
Hay tres tipos de personas en este mundo: aquellos que pisotean a otros, aquellos que se dejan pisotear y aquellos que saben bailar.( D. Benedetti)

Versículo del Día 3/24/11

 Jesús dijo: “Había un hombre ricoque se vestía de púrpura y telas finas y banqueteaba espléndidamente cada día.
Y un mendigollamado Lázaroyacía a la entrada de su casa, cubierto de llagas y ansiando llenarse con las sobras que caían de la mesa del ricoY hasta los perros se acercaban a lamerle las llagas.Lucas 16:19-31

Oración: Señor, soy yo uno de aquellos que dice: "Yo no le hago daño a nadie y no me meto en la vida de los demás." Esto no basta. Para llegar al Cielo es necesario mucho más. Hoy me pregunto: "Hago el bien? Me preocupo por compartir con otros lo que tengo y quien soy? Me sacrifico por el bienestar de aquel que lo necesita?" Señor, de que me sirve tener el mundo entero si se pierde mi alma?

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

Families that Eat Together, Stay Together

It is no more complicated than sitting down together at the table, but according to an economist from the Catholic University of America, simply sharing family meals is key for children's development. And, the economist suggested, strong families are good not just for the children given life within them. They are also good for the economy.

These were affirmations made by Maria Sophia Aguirre, a professor in the department of economics at Washington, D.C.'s Catholic University of America, during her address today at the 6th World Meeting of Families, underway in Mexico City.

Her presentation focused on the multiple benefits of stable families based on marriage, for all involved parties. She cited statistics such as marriage increases the likelihood of the father having good relations with children; divorce reduces the likelihood of children graduating from college and high school; and married mothers have lower levels of depression than single or co-habiting mothers.

Even physical health is better for families based on marriage, she said: Infant mortality is sharply reduced in this structure and there are lower probabilities of injury.

On the contrary, Aguirre noted, "the breakdown of the family is a symptom of a sick and weak society."

Problems of all sorts increase in irregular families: Women are more likely to be abused, kids are more likely to use drugs, and women and children of broken families have a higher probability of living in poverty.

More than a meal

And though it cannot be the solution for every problem, Aguirre mentioned that the simple act of eating together as a family has an effect on the development of children.

According to a study done by the National Center on Substance and Addiction at Colombia University, when comparing adolescents who eat dinner 0-2 times a week with their families and those who eat dinner 5-7 times, those who eat with their families more frequently are 40% more like to talk to their parents about a problem. Meanwhile, 171% of the teens who don't eat with their families note more tension at home.

Academic performance went up 38%. Kids were 142% less likely to smoke, 93% less likely to drink, 191% less likely to use marijuana and 169% less likely to have more than half of their friends be drug users.

And predictably, a family composed of both parents is 3.5 times more likely to have dinner as a family than a single-parent household.

More than money

Aguirre then turned her attention to the economic benefits of stable families based on marriage. Giving a review of nations ranging from Canada to Chile, the economist concluded that families are simply better for the economy.

"The breakdown of the family damages the economy and society since human, moral and social capital is reduced and social costs increase," she explained.

The professor contended that family structure is quite relevant for wealth, and that there is evidence to support this from across countries.

"The family is a necessary good for economic development," Aguirre concluded. "It should be promoted and protected if poverty reduction wants to be achieved."

Versículo del dia 3/23/11

Jesús dijo:“¿Qué deseas?” Ella respondió:Concédeme que estos dos hijos míos se sientenuno a tu derecha y el otro a tu izquierda, en tu Reino”. Pero Jesús replicó: “No saben ustedes lo que piden¿Podrán beber el cáliz que yo he de beber?” Ellos contestaron:  podemos”. Mateo 20:17-28

Oración: Señor, por qué pienso siempre en lo que yo quiero y no en lo que Tu quieres para mí? Cuál es mi agenda? Por qué a menudo mi agenda no concuerda con la tuya? Simplemente porque mis deseos son guiados por mi egoismo y no por aquello que me va ayudar a llegar a Tí. Guiame!

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Versículo del Día 3/22/19

Jesús dijo: Que el mayor de entre ustedes sea su servidorporque el que se enalteceserá humillado y el que se humilla será enaltecido”.  Mateo 23:1-12

Oración: Señor, no tener orgullo es tan difícil. Vivimos orgullosos y esto no nos permite llegar a Tí. El orgullo me daña el alma. Quiero ser humilde. Enséñame a controlar mi ego para que pueda yo crecer y mejorar como persona.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Versículo del Día 3/21/11

 Jesús dijo: “No juzguen y no serán juzgados; no condenen y no serán condenadosPorque con la misma medida con que midanserán medidos”. Lucas 6:36-38

Oración: Señor, a veces soy tan presto para juzgar y dictar sentencia. No me doy cuenta que estoy equivocado muy a menudo. Se ven las caras y no los corazones. Por qué una persona reacciona de una u otra manera? Pueden ser tantos motivos: ignorancia, traumas, resentimientos, problemas que no conocemos. Señor, enséñame a ser misericordioso con mi prójimo y nunca juzgarlo.